In the big law firms, the cost of their advertising budgets can require quick settlements of the smaller 25K, 50K or 100K cases, settlements that result in less money for the injured client. Attorney Hanks PA will treat your case, regardless of its value, like a million dollar claim.
Upon your authorization, Attorney Hanks will:
Arrange a referral to a qualified physician in the specialty you require, to maximize the value of your case.
Help with your property damage and rental car, when the adjuster stops cooperating.
Ascertain available insurance coverage of all drivers involved, so you know the total recovery possible.
Compile all of your relevant medical records, and present these records to the insurance company with a demand amount that we feel can be recovered.
When progress in negotiations ceases, file and prosecute your lawsuit, without delay.
Whether your accident or injury occurred in Pinellas (St. Petersburg, Largo, Pinellas Park or Clearwater), HIllsborough (Tampa) or anywhere else in the State of Florida, put Attorney Hanks to work for you. Do you have a Family Law, or Criminal Defense, case as well? Or perhaps you have a question about a Bankruptcy or Probate issue. Call or email us. We can help. You have the right to Attorney Hanks, P.A.
Attorney Hanks accepts only a limited number of personal injury cases each year, in order to devote each the personal attention necessary to keep the Client informed and the case progressing. Our litigation team includes the Client, whose help is essential to a successful case.
What can you do to help your case?
Take immediate photographs of the visible injuries to yourself, the damage to the vehicles, and the location of the crash.
Do not speak with any insurance adjuster, or give any written statement, without first speaking to an attorney.
Make sure you provide accurate and complete information to all health care providers, as their records will back up your claims.
Cooperate fully with your physicians, by attending all appointments and following their advice.
Keep a diary of how your injury effects you--the activities you are unable to do, and how you feel on a regular basis. The more details, the stronger the case.